My grandson, Sebastian is 6 years old and has been attending the YWCA childcare programs for 3 years. His cognitive and social development has progressed a great deal due to the staff and programs at the YWCA. Sebastian has been diagnosed with a developmental delay and when he entered the YWCA his verbal skills were lacking, he was very quiet and did not engage fully with the rest of his classmates. Potty training has been very difficult for him, but he was able to achieve it because of his exceptional teacher that he has had for almost 2 years. Sebastian is improving his verbal communication each day and all of the staff that engage with him have noticed the difference from when he first enrolled in the program. My family and I are so pleased with the services he has received at the YWCA and it is so important that you find an agency that is passionate of the work they do and that you feel secure in leaving your child there each day. In addition, the YWCA engages very well with the New Britain school system and advocates for the services that each child needs. I owe this agency a huge gratitude in how they have treated my grandson and how special he feels each day he walks in the door.