If you are in crisis or would like to speak to a sexual assault crisis counselor/advocate right away, please call our 24-hour crisis hotline at 860-505-0469 (English) or 1-888-568-8332 (Spanish). Please note that this online inquiry is not confidential.
YWCA New Britain’s Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) is a program of the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence and covers a 46-town region, including all of Hartford County, part of Tolland County and the town of Plymouth. SACS offers free and confidential services to survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones.
These services include:
24 Hour Crisis Hotlines in English and Spanish
Short-term crisis counseling with certified, identity specific advocates including Adult, Youth, Men&Boys, LGBTQ+, Bilingual, and Campus available in-person, by phone, or over Zoom.
Accompaniments and Advocacy through emergency medical, police, and court proceedings
Support Groups
Information and Referrals
Prevention Education for Youth and Adults
Volunteer Opportunities
48-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor and Advocate State-Certification Course
Sexual Assault Crisis Services
If you are in crisis or would like to speak to a sexual assault crisis counselor/advocate right away, please call our 24-hour crisis hotline at 860-505-0469 (English) or 1-888-568-8332 (Spanish). Please note that this online inquiry is not confidential.